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Office Of The Child Advocate

Wilmington Address
900 King Street, Suite 210
Wilmington, DE 19801
Telephone: (302) 255-1730
Fax: (302) 577-6831

Georgetown Address
6 West Market Street, Suite 1
Georgetown, DE 19947
Telephone: (302) 856-5720
Fax: (302)856-5722

100% Children’s Law

Does Use Volunteer Attorneys

The Office of The Child Advocate began in 2000 in response to requests by advocacy groups for a statutory mandate for the legal representation of children. Staff attorneys, social workers, and volunteer attorneys represent children primarily as Guardians ad litem, but in some cases as attorneys advocating for the child’s best interest. Aside from representing children, the volunteer lawyers assist in the recruitment of other pro bono attorneys. law students and volunteers from other professions are utilized as well. Trainings for volunteers are offered two to three times a year.

The Office also does advocacy regarding laws affecting children, community education and oversight of current policy within Delaware’s child welfare office. The office has also filed amicus briefs in impact litigation affecting children, including Brown/Cooper V. Division Of Family Services (Constitutional Right To Counsel). 

Juvenile Defense Unit

Office of Defense Services

820 N. French Street, 3rd Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
Telephone: (302) 577-5200

The Juvenile Defense Unit of the Office of Defense Services provides legal representation to all juveniles charged with a crime in Family Court, or charged with Contempt of a Truancy Order in the Justice of the Peace Courts. Attorneys in the unit are stationed in each county and are specially-trained to represent juveniles.