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Juvenile and Family Law Clinic

University Of Colorado Law School

2450 Kittredge Loop Road
Boulder, Colorado 80309
Telephone: (303) 492 8047

100% Children’s Law

Does Not Use Volunteer Attorneys

The Juvenile and Family Law Clinic (JFLC) provides legal services for indigent children, youth, and families. Our clients are referred to us through the courts and Boulder County Legal Services. Children and families facing abuse, poverty, homelessness, and despair are among the neediest members of our community requiring quality legal representation. Student attorneys in the JFLC help meet that need.        

JFLC clients are predominantly children and youth in the child welfare or the juvenile justice system, or low income parents needing divorce or custody assistance. Clinic students act as the lead attorneys on their cases, and work with their clients from the beginning of a family law case through its conclusion. Students are responsible for gathering information and documents, preparing court filings, appearing at court status conferences, mandatory mediation, and court hearings. The JFLC helps students to develop good client relationships, to become competent in Colorado juvenile and family law in particular, and in Colorado civil practice more broadly.

National Association of Counsel For Children

13123 E. 16th Ave., B390
Aurora, CO 80045
Telephone: (303)864-5324 | (888) 828-NACC
Email: [email protected]

Founded in 1977, the National Association of Counsel for Children (NACC) is a non-profit professional membership and advocacy organization dedicated to advancing justice for children, youth, and families.  Every year millions of children are involved in the child welfare system, including children who have been separated from their parent or guardian, children at risk of separation, and children and youth who are also involved in the juvenile and criminal justice systems.  Many children involved in these systems face barriers to justice in the courts and are deeply impacted by poor outcomes in the foster care system.

NACC advances the rights and opportunities of children in the child welfare system by ensuring they have the right to effective assistance of counsel.  They provide programs and resources that improve the quality of legal representation for children, parents, and agencies; support a community of hard-working and dedicated professionals and help attract and retain a diverse talent in the children's legal advocacy profession; and they advocate for policies that advance children's rights, including the right to counsel.

NACC Promotes Excellence through attorney training and certification.  NACC is the only national organization accredited by the American Bar Association to certify attorneys as Child Welfare Law Specialists. NACC Builds Community through a national membership association and annual National Child Welfare Law Conference.  NACC Advances Justice by engaging in public policy and legislative advocacy aimed at improving the child welfare system.

Office of The Child’s Representative

1300 Broadway, Suite 320
Denver, CO 80203
Telephone: (303) 860-1517

OCR is the state agency mandated to provide competent and effective best interests legal representation to children involved in the Colorado court system. OCR was created by the General Assembly in 2000 to improve representation for Colorado’s most vulnerable children by establishing minimum practice standards and providing litigation support, accessible high-quality statewide training, and oversight of the practice. The OCR oversees attorneys that provide legal representation as guardians ad litem (GAL), counsel for children in dependency and neglect proceedings, and child legal representatives (CLR).

The mission of the Office of the Child’s Representative (OCR) is to provide effective legal representation to Colorado’s children involved in the court system because they have been abused and neglected, impacted by high-conflict parenting time disputes, or charged with delinquent acts and without a parent able to provide relevant information to the court or protect their best interests during the proceedings.