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Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program

624 Paul W. Bryant Dr, 5th Floor
Tuscaloosa, AL  35487
Telephone:  205-348-4928 or 800-826-1625
Email:  [email protected]

The Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program (ADAP) is part of the nation's federally-funded protection and advocacy (P&A) system. ADAP provides legal services to Alabamians with disabilities to protect, promote and expand their rights.  ADAP has a team of advocates and attorneys to provide training, technical assistance and case advocacy services to families and child advocates to ensure that children with special needs get the school supports to which they are entitled under the law.

Children’s Rights Clinic

University of Alabama School of Law

P.O. Box 870392
Tuscaloosa, AL  35487
Telephone:  205-348-4960

The Children’s Rights Clinic provides legal advice, assistance and representation on matters to juveniles in Tuscaloosa county.  Through its students and staff attorneys, the clinic provide legal assistance on matters such as:  juvenile justice, special education, children’s mental health services, bullying and foster care.  

Legal Aid Society of Birmingham

2021 2nd Ave North
Birmingham, AL  35203
Telephone:  205-251-3516

The Legal Aid Society of Birmingham is a non-profit service organization affiliated with the Birmingham Bar Association and provides free court-appointed legal representation for children and low-income adults.  The society represents children accused of delinquency offices in two counties and also serve as guardians ad litem for children who are the subject of abuse and neglect.  All services are provided solely through court appointment.