Message from the Chairs
Welcome to the Antitrust Litigation Committee’s web page.
We are very excited to lead the ABA Litigation Section’s Antitrust Litigation Committee this bar year. While other groups, including the ABA’s Antitrust Section, focus on a wide array of substantive antitrust topics, our Committee will provide a unique hub for both antitrust litigators and more general practitioners who encounter antitrust issues in their matters, offering valuable networking and leadership opportunities as well as practice development resources and programming on the substantive, procedural, and practical skills necessary for successful antitrust litigators. If you handle antitrust litigation at any level—whether civil, criminal or both—we want to help you make the most out of your practice.
Please join us to learn from and network with top litigators, including former government enforcers, who share a common interest in the challenges and intricacies of antitrust cases, have access to our Committee resources, and contribute to our programs and publications. Committee membership is free with your membership to the ABA’s Litigation Section. Even if antitrust litigation is only a part of your practice, we encourage you to join us. If you are not a member of the Litigation Section, we invite you to join now and become an active member of the Antitrust Litigation Committee.
We are particularly proud of our annual Enforcement and Litigation annual Series. During the 2023–2024 bar year, we sponsored a three-part series of hybrid in-person/virtual programs analyzing criminal antitrust matters from investigation to trials to appeals, featuring numerous high-profile DOJ Antitrust Division officials and two well-known federal appellate judges. During the 2024–2025 bar year, we plan to continue this series with hybrid programming featuring top caliber speakers covering matters including compliance programs, parallel proceedings, trials, sentencing, damages and appeals.
If you are interested in rolling up your sleeves with us to help guide the future of the Antitrust Litigation Committee, please contact us. We want your ideas and energy!
The best way to become more involved is to join one of our many subcommittees. See below for a list of current appointments and openings.
We also have great publishing opportunities on our Committee’s web page, as well as opportunities to speak and develop CLE programs, virtual roundtables and other programming.
Again, please reach out to us if you would like to get involved in one of our subcommittees or have ideas for member benefits of interest to you. Our success depends on your participation, feedback, and engagement! We look forward to meeting and working with you.
Richard Powers
Allison Reimann
Co-Chairs, Antitrust Litigation Committee