New IOLTA Program Directors in South Carolina and Wyoming
Megan Seiner joined the South Carolina Bar Foundation as its new Executive Director in February 2016. From 2007 to 2015, she served in different positions at the University of South Carolina School of Law, including as the Director of Externship and Special Academic Programs, Associate Director of Career Services, and Director of Student Affairs and Externships. Prior to 2007, Ms. Seiner was an attorney for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and a trademark attorney with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. She graduated from Rutgers University School of Law–Camden.
Angie Dorsch is the Executive Director of Equal Justice Wyoming Foundation, which began managing Wyoming’s IOLTA program in December 2015. Since 2012, she has served as Executive Director of Equal Justice Wyoming as well, which is a program of the Wyoming Supreme Court tasked with developing and maintaining a statewide system of civil legal services. From 2005 to 2012, she served first as a staff attorney and then as a managing attorney at Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas. Ms. Dorsch is a graduate of Texas Tech University School of Law.
NAIP Leadership Summit
On March 31 - April 1, 2016, representatives from eleven states met in Washington, D.C. for the National Association of IOLTA Programs (NAIP) Leadership Summit. This gathering was funded as part of a larger grant from the Public Welfare Foundation and focused on strengthening partnerships between the civil legal aid and philanthropic communities. The NAIP Leadership Summit brought state, regional, and national philanthropy leaders together with IOLTA leaders and ABA staff to explore key issues, including the role of data and client stories in understanding how core social issues (such as housing and family safety) are assisted through civil legal aid. The NAIP Leadership Summit will be the subject of a workshop session during the upcoming 2016 Summer IOLTA Workshops, and an article discussing both the Summit and this workshop session will appear in the Fall 2016 issue of Dialogue.
2016 Summer IOLTA Workshops
The 2016 Summer IOLTA Workshops will take place on August 4th and 5th in San Francisco, California at the Grand Hyatt. Plan now to join your IOLTA colleagues for two days of topical sessions. IOLTA program executive directors, staff members, and trustees are all encouraged to attend. The IOLTA Workshops are co–sponsored by the ABA Commission on IOLTA and the National Association of IOLTA Programs.