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Winter 2014

Vol. 17 No. 2  

Pro Bono



Credit Unions and IOLTA: Why the Time May Be Right

Credit Unions have existed in the United States for more than one hundred years and today boast nearly 100 million members and hold over $1 trillion of member assets in more than 6,600 institutions nation– wide. In the five years since the onset of the financial crises, credit unions have seen dramatic growth and rising popularity of their product offerings which typically include lower loan rates, higher deposit rates, and few and lower service fees.

Lawyer Referral


Military & Veterans

Ripped Off! Troops in the Crosshairs of Commercial Predators

During thirty years as a uniformed judge advocate and civilian attorney for the Marine Corps, I have learned that our enlisted troops, at great risk to dangers overseas, are also in the crosshairs of commercial predators at home. Although there is much work to be done, there is a growing realization at the state and national levels that military servicemembers are peculiarly susceptible to consumer harm, that they are targeted by commercial predators, and that this predation adversely affects servicemembers, their families, and our national defense.

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