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March 15, 2014 Dialogue

News and Notes

2014 Summer IOLTA Workshops

The 2014 Summer IOLTA Workshops will take place on August 7th and 8th in Boston, Massachusetts at the Hyatt Regency Boston. Plan now to join your IOLTA colleagues for two days of topical sessions. IOLTA program executive directors, staff members and trustees are all encouraged to attend. The IOLTA Workshops are co–sponsored by the ABA Commission on IOLTA and the National Association of IOLTA Programs. 

IOLTA Established in Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico became the 47th U.S. jurisdiction to establish mandatory IOLTA through the Fund for Access to Justice Act on December 26, 2013. The statute provides initial funding in the amount of $300,000 and states that the Governor shall appoint a 5 member Administrative Board, including a Board President. The legislation stipulates that the Board President must receive the advice and consent of the Senate of Puerto Rico. The Puerto Rico Senate confirmed civil rights attorney Carlos Del Valle as President of the Administrative Board in June and the work of the Board has begun. It will have its first formal meeting in early August. The Administrative Board has 120 days to adopt rules regarding the operation of IOLTA accounts and the IOLTA program.