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ABA Military and Veterans Legal Center

Activities and Initiatives

Military Pro Bono Project

The ABA Military Pro Bono Project accepts civil legal case referrals directly from military attorneys worldwide, and then works to connect the referred servicemember clients with pro bono civilian attorneys located where the representation is needed in the United States. Attorneys may register with the program to be notified of volunteer opportunities in their jurisdictions and areas of practice. For more information, visit

Operation StandBy

First created by the ABA Section of Family Law and "adopted" and expanded and maintained by the ABA Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel (LAMP), Operation Stand-By is a state-by-state list of civilian attorneys who have volunteered to provide guidance to military attorneys or other pro bono attorneys when necessary to better advise their military and veteran clients. For more information, visit

ABA Free Legal Answers for Veterans

ABA Free Legal Answers is a virtual legal advice portal where income-eligible individuals can ask civil legal questions. On the ABA Free Legal Answers’ federal site, attorneys with accreditation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) can sign up to volunteer to answer veterans’ questions about VA benefits, discharge upgrades, and similar veterans’ legal issues. To answer state-specific legal questions, visit the main ABA Free Legal Answers website and separately sign up with your state. Get involved on
Veteran Flyer | Attorney Flyer

Home Front

Maintained by the LAMP Committee, ABA Home Front is an online resource with a wealth of materials created specifically for those connected to the military to help them understand legal issues and obtain law-related assistance for the problems they may face. The site is available at

Veterans Claims Assistance Network

Learn how to obtain and maintain attorney accreditation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), along with locating organizations with pro bono opportunities.

Other ABA Entities and Initiatives for Military Personnel and Veterans

Military Legal Professional Transition Toolkit

First developed by the ABA Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division, and expanded with involvement by the LAMP Committee and other volunteers, the Toolkit provides educational information and resources for military attorneys and paralegals who are transitioning from the military into civilian practice. This is available at   

Homeless Veterans Justice Initiative

Operated by the Commission on Homelessness and Poverty, the Homeless Veterans Justice Initiative works with the VA to address veteran homelessness by fostering replication of Veterans Treatment Courts, supporting the Veterans Justice Outreach Initiative, and removing barriers to housing and self-sufficiency by addressing child support arrears. The Initiative has also worked to advance ABA policy related to Veterans Treatment Courts. Get involved and learn more.

Tax Law for Military Initiative

Operated by the Section of Taxation, the Adopt-A-Base program is a partnership of the Section, the armed forces, and the IRS to provide training to military VITA volunteers on bases across the country. The military VITA volunteers are servicemembers who prepare returns for other service members and their families. As part of the Section's commitment to pro bono services for our service members, the Section works to recruit law firms or groups of individuals to adopt a local base to provide this important tax training.  Learn more.

Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel

The Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel (LAMP) fosters the continued growth of the military legal assistance programs; promotes the delivery of legal services to military personnel, veterans, and their families; and works with other organizations to enhance the scope, quality, and delivery of free or affordable legal services to servicemembers, veterans, and their families. Learn more.

Section of Family Law Military Committee

This group studies issues relating to clients in the military and their families, including procedural issues unique to the military, and custody and visitation, divorce, alimony/support, military pension division and Survivor Benefit Plan issues affecting military divorces. It also reviews state and federal legislation and initiatives where ABA policy is affected, and teaches lawyers how to deal with military matters affecting state court legal disputes. Get involved and learn more

Health Law Section’s Military and Veterans Health Law Interest Group

The ABA Health Law Section’s Military and Veterans Health Law Interest Group is designed to lead and implement educational programming to address the unique health law issues pertaining to our service personnel, veterans, and their families. Get involved and learn more

Standing Committee on Armed Forces Law

The Standing Committee on Armed Forces Law addresses the issues of direct importance to the practice of law within the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security with respect to the U.S. Coast Guard, including the thousands of military and civilian attorneys and their support teams globally. Learn more.

GPSolo Military Lawyers Committee

The GPSolo Committees work on contributing to substantive programs and other initiatives for the Division. The GPSolo Military Lawyers Committee serves as the voice of the military lawyer within the Division, and monitors developments in the area of military law and educates the Division about those issues. Learn more.

Criminal Justice Section Military Justice Committee

Under the ABA Criminal Justice Section’s Equal Justice Division, the Military Justice Committee promotes a greater understanding of the U.S. military justice system among ABA members, the profession, and the public. Learn more.

Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice Veterans Affairs Committee

This Committee focuses on aspects of veterans’ benefits, including practical problems that confront veterans seeking benefits from the Veterans Administration. Learn more.

Military Lawyers Coordinating Committee

The ABA Military Lawyers Coordinating Committee website includes a list of links to ABA member groups, events, programs, and resources that may be of particular interest to military lawyers.