About the ABA Military & Veterans Legal Center
The ABA Military and Veterans Legal Center brings together all the ABA entities, programs, and projects focused on legal services for military personnel, veterans, and their families. The Center staff manage a range of activities and initiatives described on our Initiatives page, and the Center also serves as a clearinghouse of information about the work of other ABA entities in the military and veterans space.
Servicemembers and Veterans:
For current and former military members seeking legal information and referral, the Center’s For the Public page has a number of useful resources to provide guidance on resolving legal problems and obtaining legal assistance.
Attorneys interested in learning more or getting involved should visit our Legal Professionals page. Legal professionals involved with military and veteran legal services may also request to join the ABA Military and Veterans Legal Center listserv. The goal of this listserv is to bring together ABA entities, outside organizations, and attorneys who focus on legal services for military personnel and veterans to provide updates, share information, discuss, network, and collaborate.
Visit our Support Us page that has information about how those interested in advancing access to justice for military families and veterans can do so through a tax-deductible donation.
Contact Us
ABA Military & Veterans Legal Center
American Bar Association
321 N. Clark Street, 17th Floor
Chicago, IL 60654-7598
Mary C. Meixner
Chief Counsel