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November 01, 2018

Telephone Service Contracts

I have received orders for a PCS move to a location where my cell phone carrier does not provide service. Can I cancel my cell phone contract? Will I have to pay penalties?

If you have received military orders to relocate to a place where your cell phone service provider does not provide the coverage you purchased under your contract, and you will be in that location for ninety days or more, you may terminate your contract under the SCRA. You must only provide written notice to your cell phone company of your intention to terminate, the reason for termination, and the military orders giving rise to the need for termination. You do not need to wait for a period of time before the termination is effective; it will be effective on the date you give notice to your phone service carrier. You should not be charged any early termination fees and should be refunded any fees you prepaid beyond the date of termination.

Also, if your relocation will be for three years or less, and you resubscribe to your phone service within ninety days of your return, you will be able to keep your phone number and you will not be charged reconnection fees.

As with the termination of rental and auto leases, you should speak with a military legal assistance attorney for guidance before terminating your cell phone contract.