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Directory of Programs


Military Legal Assistance Offices

Visit the U.S. Armed Forces Legal Assistance Locator to locate the nearest military legal assistance office (click on "Advanced" and "Accept"). Servicemembers and their families may access free legal assistance at these offices. See our Working with a Lawyer publication for more details on eligibility.

Legal Aid and Pro Bono Programs

Visit to locate programs that provide free civil legal assistance. These organizations may or may not have military-specific services. Contact these programs for more details on eligibility.

Lawyer Referral Programs

Visit the Lawyer Referral Directory to locate programs that can connect you to a lawyer who charges for legal services. In the search box, type your state, county, or city to find local programs. Some attorneys with these programs, however, may offer discounted initial consultations or may charge reduced fees based on your income. Contact these programs for more information.

Military/Veteran Specific Programs

If programs are listed below, they are designed to assist military members and/or veterans with legal matters. See the specific details and contact these programs for more information. Also visit nationwide programs. 

Additional nationwide programs serving military families.

ABA Military Pro Bono Project
Services: The ABA Military Pro Bono Project connects eligible active-duty servicemembers with pro bono attorneys to assist with civil legal issues. If you are an active-duty military member eligible for services through your military legal assistance office, you may be eligible for a referral for legal help through the Military Pro Bono Project.

ABA Free Legal Answers (Federal)
Services: ABA Free Legal Answers is a website on which veterans can submit questions about civil (non-criminal) legal issues and receive answers from pro bono lawyers. The federal ABA Free Legal Answers site allows veterans—along with eligible dependents and survivors—to submit questions pertaining to veterans, including VA benefits, discharge upgrades, and similar veterans’ legal issues.

American Immigration Lawyers Association
Military Assistance Program (AILA MAP)
Visit AILA MAP Website
[email protected]
AILA MAP is a dynamic collaborative effort between AILA and the Legal Assistance Offices of the United States Military Judge Advocate General Corps (JAG). The purpose of the program is to expand JAG’s traditional legal assistance for members of the military to include specialized help on immigration matters. AILA MAP enlists experienced AILA lawyers to assist service members on a pro bono basis. Volunteer attorneys are matched with military personnel stationed around the globe. 

Pro-Bono Estate Planning for Non-Retiree Veterans
View Flyer Information
[email protected]

Modern Military Association of America
1725 I Street NW, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
Phone: 202.328.3244
Email: [email protected]
Information: Assists the LGBTQ military and veteran community on many legal issues, from bias and unequal treatment to access to benefits.

National Veterans Legal Services Program
PO Box 65762
Washington, DC 20035
Fax 202-328-0063
Visit NVSLP Website
[email protected]
The National Veterans Legal Services Program (NVLSP) is an independent, non-profit, charitable organization acting to ensure that the U.S. government honors the pact made with our veterans. NVLSP serves these forgotten men and women through advocacy and training, education and publications, and pro bono litigation. As a conduit for change against unfair government practices, NVLSP has been instrumental in the passage of landmark veterans’ rights legislation. Lawsuits brought by NVLSP attorneys have forced the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to pay hundreds of millions of dollars in benefits to veterans and their families. NVLSP also recruits, trains, and assists thousands of volunteer lawyers and veterans’ advocates. And its publications empower veterans, their families and their advocates to obtain the benefits they’re entitled to by clearly outlining their rights under the law.

Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program
2101 L Street NW, Suite 225
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: (888) 838-7727 (toll free)
Phone: (202) 628-8164
Fax: (202) 628-8169
Visit Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program Website
Veterans can visit the Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program website to learn about applying for help with discharge upgrades or filing an appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. Attorneys can visit the Veterans Consortium Pro Bono Program website to learn about volunteer opportunities.

Veterans Administration Facilities
Free legal clinics