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Law School Development Conference Materials


2018 Brochure

Fundraiser Metrics & Portfolio Management - A New Way to Lead Gift Officers to Greater Effectiveness

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Is This the End of the Charitable Deduction?

Affirm, Ask, Answer, Amplify: Leveraging Social Media for Your Campaign


2016 Brochure

Advancement 101 for New Deans and Their Chief Development Officers, Part 2: Fundraising Essentials

USEED Crowdfunding Training

2014 Millennial Alumni Report

Using Challenge Gifts to Motivate Donors

Words that Work for 2016: Statistical Analysis of the Words and Phrases that Encourage Planned and Major Gifts

Wills that Won’t: A 20-Year National Study of Charitable Planning Additions, Deletions, and Ultimate Estate Transfers

Bridging the Divide Between Alumni Relations & Development: How Focusing on Student and Alumni Engagement can Positively Impact Philanthropy

When Bad News Creates new Opportunities

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