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Bar Admissions Information
Bar Admissions
Character and Fitness Determination
Standard 504 sets out a law school's responsibility to assess an applicant's character and fitness qualifications and to advise applicants that such qualifications exist for admittance to the school and for admission to the bar. Students should refer to Chart 2 of the Comprehensive Guide to Bar Admission Requirements for the character and fitness determinations in the state(s) in which they plan to sit for the bar examination.
Applicants from Foreign Law Schools
Standard 505 addresses the requirements for admitting foreign law school applicants to U.S. law Schools. Foreign applicants should also refer to Chart 4: Eligibility to Take the Bar Examination in the Comprehensive Guide to Bar Exam Requirements and contact the state board of examiners in the state(s) in which they wish to sit for the bar exam. A directory of state bar admission agencies can be found in the Comprehensive Guide.
Law Students with Disabilities
The ABA Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law provides a free directory, Bar Information for Applicants with Disabilities, with state bar requirements on requesting accomodations for the bar exam and the form of questions asked for character and fitness as they relate to disabilities. The directory also includes a listing of applicable state laws and cases regarding these issues.
Model Rule on Admission on Motion
At the 2011 ABA Midyear Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, the House of Delegates adopted amendments to the Model Rule on Admission by Motion proposed by the Section. The amendsment eliminate provisions that prohibit in-house counsel and judicial law clerks from qualifying on the basis of practice performed in the jurisdiction where the admission on motion is being sought.