National Pro Bono Celebration
The end of October marked the 12th Annual National Celebration of Pro Bono. The ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service began the National Celebration in 2009 to showcase the incredible difference that pro bono lawyers make to our nation, to our system of justice, to our communities, and, most of all, to the clients they serve.
If you are interested in providing pro bono assistance, recognizing attorneys who do the important pro bono work of assisting clients in need, or providing education and training in areas of particular need to your community, please reference the valuable resources offered by the Standing Committee and visit the National Celebration of Pro Bono website.
Legal Education Police Practices Consortium
The ABA has collaborated with dozens of U.S. law schools to form a Legal Education Police Practices Consortium to contribute to the national effort to examine and address legal issues in policing and public safety, including conduct, oversight, and the evolving nature of police work. The consortium will work on projects aimed at developing and implementing better police practices, supporting effective policing, promoting racial equity in the criminal justice system, and eliminating tactics that are racially motivated or have a disparate impact based on race.
The ABA’s Criminal Justice Section will house the Consortium and each participating law school will develop opportunities for one or more of its law students to engage in consortium activities such as promoting existing ABA policies at the local, state, and national levels; engaging with police departments and local state and national leaders on police practices; and developing model curricula for law schools related to consortium goals, among others.
Practice Forward
To address emerging needs in the legal profession in light of the coronavirus pandemic, the ABA created Practice Forward, a member-focused, solutions-oriented website that seeks to provide lawyers, law students, and legal professionals valuable insights and practical tools to move their practice forward amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Practice Forward initiative, of which the website is one part, seeks to address potential long-term changes to the practice of law and the judicial system.
The ABA’s Practice Forward website provides practical tools and resources to support and advance the practice of law and the judicial system amid potential long-term changes due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Poll Volunteers – Earn ShopABA Credit
If you volunteered at your local polling place for the 2020 general election, you may earn a $50 credit to use towards a book, CLE, webinar, or other purchase in ShopABA, sponsored by MyCase. This offer is valid to the first 300 ABA members who complete the verification form. Forms must be received by 11/6/20 to be eligible. Members who qualify for the promotion will be emailed the discount code by 11/16/20.
For more information and to submit your form, click here.
Why Hire Lawyers With Disabilities?
As you may be aware, October marked the 75th observance of National Disability Employment Awareness Month. In an effort to celebrate that and the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the ABA Commission on Disability Rights and the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) created a video, Why Hire Lawyers with Disabilities?. We encourage you to watch and share this video with your contacts.