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From the Section Director: Section Spotlight - Maximizing Your Membership

Erin Ruehrwein
Section Director

Each year I like to include a column that highlights a few of the many valuable benefits that accompany your membership in the ABA.  Free CLE, exclusive content, leadership and networking opportunities, and career resources are just a few I’d like to mention.

Free CLE
Have you had a chance to check out the ABA's Member Benefit Library?  As an ABA member, you receive unlimited, complimentary access to more than 600 widely-accredited online CLE webinars and on-demand programs - at no additional cost.  Additional programs are added monthly.  Visit the CLE Library to view a complete listing.

Exclusive Content
In addition to exclusive Section of Legal Education content, you can also access valuable content offered by the Law Practice and GP Solo Divisions, which offer complimentary membership when you choose to opt-in. The Law Practice Division offers a number of benefits that teach you the business of practicing law: marketing, management, technology, and finance. To learn more about what each division offers, click here.

Leadership and Networking Opportunities
Members of the ABA comprise one of the world’s largest networks of legal professionals. When you become more involved with the ABA and the Section through various leadership, programming, and publishing opportunities, to name a few, you’ll grow your network and build valuable professional connections.

ABA Career Center
The ABA Career Center offers a variety of career development resources including monthly articles, webinars, and podcasts that offer career guidance. In addition, it offers a job board for law students, lawyers, and legal professionals across all practice areas and career stages. Visit the ABA Career Center and take advantage of all it has to offer.

To learn more about all of the benefits that come with your ABA membership such as discounts, insurance, and more, visit the ABA Membership Webpage

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