ABA Task Force on Legal Needs Arising Out of the 2020 Pandemic
In response to the growing legal needs of Americans arising from the coronavirus (COVID-19), the American Bar Association has created a nationwide task force of volunteer lawyers and judges from across the legal profession. The task force will identify the legal needs arising from the pandemic, make recommendations to address those needs, and help mobilize volunteer lawyers and legal professionals to assist people who need help.ABA Task Force on Legal Needs Arising Out of the 2020 PandemicABA Task Force on Legal Needs Arising Out of the 2020 Pandemic.
The task force includes experts in disaster response; health law; insurance; legal needs of families to protect basic human needs such as food, shelter, medical and employment benefits; criminal justice; domestic violence; civil rights; and social justice.
The website of the task force is intended to serve as a national source of information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the delivery of legal services. It includes resources on remote service delivery, court access and rules changes, legal needs, public benefits programs, and pro bono mobilization. The ABA appreciates receiving new information for inclusion on the site, preferably links to dynamic content that is updated regularly. Please contact Denise Dempsey at [email protected] with submissions for consideration.
ABA CLE programming related to COVID-19 can be found here.
2020 ABA Annual Meeting
Due to evolving pandemic-related developments, the ABA has decided to transition the 2020 Annual Meeting from an in person event to an online virtual meeting. This year’s meeting will be complimentary and will offer governance and business meetings, CLE Showcase programs, virtual networking opportunities, the General Assembly with the presentation of the ABA Medal, and the House of Delegates. Please check back for the latest information by visiting the ABA’s 2020 ABA Annual Meeting website.
ABA Pledge for Change: Disability Diversity in the Legal Profession
Is your law school committed to increasing diversity and inclusion for persons with disabilities in the legal profession? If so, the ABA Commission on Disability Rights invites your school to join the 52 law schools who have already signed the ABA Pledge for Change: Disability Diversity in the Legal Profession Disability Diversity in the Legal Profession: A Pledge for Change. Doing so demonstrates to your students and the legal profession that your school supports the full and equal inclusion of persons with disabilities. For more information or questions, email [email protected].