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Section News and Announcements

Council Member Gregory G. Murphy Receives 2018 William J. Jameson Award

Mr. Murphy is the 2018 recipient of the William J. Jameson Award, the highest honor given by the State Bar of Montana. He was honored with the award on September 20, at the State Bar of Montana’s Annual Meeting.

The award, named after U.S. Federal Judge William James Jameson, has been given annually since 1989 to a Montana attorney who, among other criteria, "shows ethical and personal conduct, commitment and activities that exemplify the essence of professionalism." Murphy is the 30th recipient of the award.

Mr. Murphy, who is currently serving a two-year term on the Section’s Council, was first elected to the Council in 2010, served as vice chair from 2014 to 2015, chair-elect from 2015 to 2016 and chair from 2016 to 2017. His service to the Section also includes a term as chair of the Accreditation Committee.  

To read more about the award and Mr. Murphy’s tireless work in bar admissions and accreditation, click here.

Section Staff Member Becky Stretch Retires After 29 Years of Service to the ABA

Charlotte “Becky” Stretch, Accreditation Consultant to the Section, retired to her home state of Hawaii in August after 29 years of service to the ABA, 11 of which were spent in the Section as Accreditation Counsel and Assistant Consultant.

During her time with the Section, Becky contributed greatly to the Accreditation Project. She provided invaluable support and guidance on the Standards, questionnaires, site review process, and policy recommendations from the Section to the ABA Board of Governors and House of Delegates, among many other important roles.

Prior to her work with the Section, Becky served as both Special Counsel and Associate Director for the ABA’s Center for Professional Responsibility. She provided legal expertise and policy guidance to ABA governance and ABA entities in developing, interpreting, and implementing policies on lawyer and judicial regulation and consulted with state supreme courts, bar associations and state regulatory agencies regarding the interpretation and implementation of the ABA’s Model Rules of Professional Conduct, the Model Rules for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement, the Model Rules for Judicial Disciplinary Enforcement, and the Model Code of Judicial Conduct.

Barry Currier, Managing Director of the Section, remarked, “Becky was a hard-working, creative, and persistent colleague and collaborator. She deserves a good deal of credit for the work that the Section accomplished in recent years to update, streamline, and improve the Standards, Rules of Procedure, and the accreditation process.”

The Section wishes Becky a fond Aloha! She will surely be missed!

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