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January 01, 2017

Nominations Committee Seeks Names for 2017-2018 Council Slate

The Section's Nominating Committee invites suggestions for nominations to the 2017-2018 Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar.  There are five at-large positions to be filled. Of these, four are for a three-year term and one is for a one-year term. Four of the five seats (including the one-year term) are occupied by members eligible to be re-elected. Additionally, there are two leadership positions to be filled, chair-elect and vice chair, for one-year terms. Nominees are sought in the categories of judges, academics, practitioners, and public members.

The slate of Section officers and Council members will be presented for election at the Section's business meeting during the ABA Annual Meeting in New York in August.

The deadline for nominations is April 10, 2017. All nominations must be submitted through the online Council Nominations process.

2016-2017 Nominating Committee

Joan S. Howland
Associate Dean & Professor
University of Minnesota Law School

The Honorable Rebecca White Berch
Justice (retired)
Supreme Court of Arizona

The Honorable Christine M. Durham
Supreme Court of Utah

Thomas C. Galligan Jr.
Louisiana State University
Paul M. Hebert Law Center

Jeffrey Lewis
Dean Emeritus & Professor
Saint Louis University School of Law

Gregory G. Murphy
Billings, Montana

John F. O’Brien
New England Law | Boston

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