The ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar publishes an array of books in fulfillment of its dual mission as the nationally recognized accrediting body for American law schools and as a creative national force for quality legal education.
The Section's publications program offers writing opportunities for both book and periodical publications. On the Syllabus home page, you will find guidelines for writing for the Section's newsletter. If you are interested in book publishing, visit the ABA Publishing site for author guidelines and the author book proposal form.
Section-sponsored books include A Survey of Law School Curricula: 2002-2010 (edited by Catherine Carpenter), Best Practices for Building a High-Tech Law School: The Process of Designing Education Spaces (April Mara Barton), The Unofficial Guide to U.S. Legal Studies for Foreign Lawyers (edited by Albert Vincent Y.Yu Chang and Johanna Mantilla Gomez), and The ABA Guide to International Bar Admissions (Russell W. Dombrow and Nancy A. Matos). The Publications Committee is currently working on the third edition of The Sourcebook on Legal Writing Programs (with an expected publication date of early 2018) and an updated Adjunct Faculty Handbook.