The Section's Nominating Committee invites suggestions for at-large positions on the 2022-2023 Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar. There are four such positions, each for a three-year term, one being a public member. Three of these positions are currently occupied by members eligible to be re-elected to a second term. Nominees are sought in the categories of judges, academics, practitioners, and public members.
Additionally, there are two leadership positions to be filled, chair-elect and vice chair, each for a one-year term.
Nominations are requested by no later than the close of business on Friday, March 11, 2022.
The slate of Section officers and Council members will be presented for election at the Section's business meeting during the ABA Annual Meeting in August.
The deadline for nominations is March 11, 2022. All nominations must be submitted through the online Council Nominations process.