Fees are set by the Council of the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar under the authority of Rule 2 of the ABA Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools
September 1, 2024– August 31, 2025
Schedule of Fees
Annual Fee Based on Enrollment:
JD Enrollment: 400 or less: $21,640
JD Enrollment: 401-600: $24,277
JD Enrollment: 601- 800: $28, 790
JD Enrollment: 801-1200: $31,502
JD Enrollment: 1201 or more: $35,088
Approved Teach-Out Plan: $5,000
Annual Fee for Each Approved Foreign Program:
Foreign Summer/Intersession Program: $1,000
Semester/Year Abroad Program: $1,000
Applications for Approval
Application for Provisional Approval (each application): $100,000
Application for Approval of Foreign Program:
Foreign Summer/Intersession Program: $1,000
Semester/Year Abroad Program: $1,000
Other Applications
Request for Variance under Standard 107 and
Rule 28: $1,000
Applications for Acquiescence in
Post- or Non-JD Program: $6,000
Application for Acquiescence in
Other Substantive Change: $10,000
Internal Operating Practices No. 17:
Guidelines for Reimbursement of Site Evaluators and Fact Finders
Law schools are responsible for the reimbursement of expenses of site evaluation team members and fact finders who visit their schools. All reasonable and necessary expenses of members of site evaluation teams and fact finders will be reimbursed by the visited institution under the authority of Internal Operating Practices #17.