At a Glance
Building support for ATJ programs among the public, policymakers, the business community and elsewhere is critical.
ATJ Commissions can be among the most effective ambassadors for the mission of civil legal aid, and for the broader concept of promoting fundamental fairness in our civil justice system.
Some ATJ Commissions are formally charged with focusing on public awareness and strategic communications, while others have found communications initiatives to be integral to their other programmatic goals.
Key Resources
- "Natural Allies" pamphlet: why charitable funders should support civil legal aid - Public Welfare Foundation
- Voices for Civil Justice launched in 2014 to serve as a nonpartisan communications hub advancing fairness in America’s legal system.
Selected ATJ Commission Resources
- Maryland: "My Laws, My Courts, My Maryland" Media Kit
- Washington: communications plan
Legal Aid Videos
Atlanta Legal Aid Society, "A Day in the Life" (2016)
Bayview Hunters Point Community Legal, "Identity Video" produced by CoActive Communications (2016)
Illinois Legal Aid Online, "Navigating a Broken System: Mike's Story" (2016)
Legal Services of Southern Piedmont and Legal Aid of North Carolina-Charlotte, "Justice for All 2016: A Community for Justice" (2016) - other videos by LSSP available on this page.
New York Legal Assistance Group, "Preserving Homes and Changing Lives" (2016)
OneJustice, produced by Dave Brick
Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law, "Justice = Love" (2016)
Texas Access to Justice Commission, "Legal Aid for Survivors of Sexual Assault" (2016)
Bayview Hunters Point Community Legal, "Legal Representation for All" (2015)
Campaign for Legal Services, "What is the Campaign for Legal Services?" (2015)
Legal Aid Cleveland, "Poverty is Our Cancer: A Story of Medical Legal Partnership" (2015)
Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles, "Access to Justice Video" (2015)
PBS News Hour, "Why Doctors are Prescribing Legal Aid for Patients in Need" (2015)
San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program, "Hear SDVLP Clients Speak about Why Your Support Matters" (2015)
Seattle Community Law Center, "Helping People with Disabilities in King County: What SCLC is Doing & How You Can Help" (2015)
Texas Access to Justice Commission, "Access to Justice for Texas Veterans" (2015)
Legal Aid of the OCBA "Breakfast of Champions" (2014)
Wisconsin Access to Justice Commission, "Advancing Access to Justice in Wisconsin" (2014)
Legal Aid of the OCBA "Breakfast of Champions" (2013)
Oregon Campaign for Equal Justice, "Oregon Lawyers. Fighting for Justice. Together" (2013)
Oregon Campaign for Equal Justice, "Do you Believe in Justice?" (2013)
The Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York, produced by Storytellers For Good (2012)