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SOC Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the following members: the Chair of SOC, the Immediate Past SOC Chair, one representative of each of the six class groups (Chairs, Chairs-Elect, Vice-Chairs, Secretaries, Budget Officers, and Delegates) as elected by the SOC, the SOC representatives appointed to serve with the Board of Governors on the Board of Governors committees, and up to two other members as appointed at the discretion of the SOC Chair.  The SOC Chair-Elect shall serve as an ex-officio member.

The Executive Committee shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Conference between its business meetings and make recommendations with respect to resolution of issues of urgent concern to the SOC between meetings of the SOC, with approval of such recommendations by the SOC Chair, subject to the orders of the SOC.  None of the acts of the Executive Committee shall conflict with action taken by the Conference.  The SOC Chair shall communicate information about actions taken by the Executive Committee to members of the SOC either by mail, electronic mail, conference call, or at the SOC business meetings.  No action of the Executive Committee shall be binding upon the Sections.

2023-2024 SOC Executive Committee

  • Kim R. Jessum, Chair, 2023-2025, Intellectual Property Law Section
    E: [email protected]
  • Joseph L. Raia, Immediate Past Chair, 2023-2024, International Law Section
    E:  [email protected]
  • Tina Luongo, Chair Class Representative, 2023-2024, Criminal Justice Section
    E: [email protected]
  • Matthew Fisher, Chair-Elect Class Representative, 2023-2024, Health Law Section
    E: [email protected]
  • Randi Brent Starett, Vice-Chair Class Representative, 2023-2024, Judicial Division
    E: [email protected]
  • Brandon H. Riches, Secretary Class Representative, 2023-2024, Young Lawyers Division
    E: [email protected]
  • Melissa Pallett-Vasquez, Finance Class Representative, 2023-2024, International Law Section
    E: [email protected]
  • Mark Schickman, Delegates Class Representative, 2023-2024, Conference of Section and Division Delegates
    E: [email protected]
  • Arlan D. Lewis, SOC Membership Committee Chair, 2023-2024, Forum on Construction Law
    E: [email protected]
  • John McMeekin II, Member-at-Large, 2023-2024, Tort, Trial & Insurance Practice Section
    E: [email protected]
  • Susan Margaret Floyd, Member-at-Large, 2023-2024, Environment, Energy, and Resources Section
    E: [email protected]

SOC Representatives to the ABA Board of Governors

  • Kim R. Jessum, SOC Liaison to the BOG-Finance Committee
  • Jon Rubens, SOC Liaison BOG – Member Services Committee, 2023-2024, Business Law Section
    E: [email protected]
  • Daniel Van Horn SOC Liaison BOG – Public Service and Diversity Committee, 2023-2024, Litigation Section
    E: [email protected]
  • Robert Lytle, SOC Liaison BOG – Subcommittee on Investments, 2023-2024, Intellectual Property Law Section
    E: [email protected]

SOC Staff