2024 - 2025
Advisory Committee to the Chair of the House Of Delegates (Special Committee)
The Advisory Committee makes recommendations on the orderly functioning of the House and its various committees, the smooth transition of administration, and such other matters as the Chair of the House may request the Advisory Committee to review. It is composed of the former Chairs of the House.
Martha W. Barnett, FL
William R. Bay, MO
Laurel G. Bellows, IL
Robert M. Carlson, MT
N. Lee Cooper, AL
Deborah Enix-Ross, NY
Robert J. Grey, Jr., VA
Barbara J. Howard, OH
William C. Hubbard, SC
Linda A. Klein, GA
Karen J. Mathis, CO
Patricia Lee Refo, AZ
Palmer Gene Vance II, KY
Stephen N. Zack, FL
Credentials and Admissions (Standing Committee)
The Committee on Credentials and Admissions, consisting of seven delegates, shall consider and report on all questions relating to qualifications, selection, or credentials of delegates or relating to the compliance of an organization with the requirements for representation in the House. (The Committee presents the roster at each meeting for the approval of the House.)
CHAIR: Pamila Brown, MD
VICE CHAIR: Michael Miller, MN
Luis Benitez-Burgos, NY
Ernest Calderón, AZ
Anthony M. Ciolli, USVI
Elizabeth Meyers, CA
Michael Reed, PA
Drafting (Standing Committee)
The Committee on Drafting Policies and Procedures, consisting of five delegates, shall be knowledgeable about format, language and style of Resolutions with Reports and serve as a resource for all members who are interested in bringing Resolutions with Reports to the House for consideration. Drafters are encouraged to seek the committee’s assistance prior to the deadline for submission of reports. The Committee shall report to the House on any resolution, report or other matter referred to it by the House or the Chair for revision as to scope, substance, or phraseology.
CHAIR: Dana Hrelic, CT
VICE CHAIR: Sharon Stern Gerstman, NY
Stephen J. Curley, CT
Orlando Lucero, NM
Mark Shickman, CA
Committee on Issues of Concern to the Legal Profession (Special Committee)
This Committee will identify issues of concern to the legal profession and find ways to effectively engage the House of Delegates in full debate of these issues.
CHAIR: Peter Bennett, ME
VICE CHAIR: John R. Tarpley, TN
ADVISOR: Stephen N. Zack, FL
Melanie Bragg, TX
Gregory P. Conyers, MI
Alfreda D. Coward, FL
John R. Gunn, MO
Francesqa Kaggwa, LA
LeRoy Laney, SC
Aubrey Mys, FL
Alan Olson, IA
Peter Pappas, NC
Ireneo Reus III, CA
Jennifer A. Rymell, TX
C. Scott Schwefel, CT
R. Jonathan Shirts, ID
Ryan Skajewski, CO
John Thies, IL
Robin M. Wolpert, MN
Resolution and Impact Review Committee
This Committee shall review the use, implementation and impact of House of Delegates’ resolutions.
CHAIR: Judge Peter Reyes, MN
VICE CHAIR: Kim J. Askew, TX
Molly Aspan, OK
Gail Ashworth, TN
Ann Breen-Greco, IL
Ryan Dean, CA
James Durant III, IL
Kacy Flaherty-Tarpey, IA
Peter Handy, NV
Leslie Hayashi, HI
Will Hoch, OK
Kathleen Hopkins, WA
Walter Karnstein, OR
Wendy Mariner, MA
Joseph Raia, FL
Steven Richman, NJ
Randi Starrett, FL
Emilio E. Varanini IV, CA
William K. Weisenberg, OH
Rules and Calendar (Standing Committee)
The Committee on Rules and Calendar, consisting of five delegates, shall:
1. Assist the Chair in the expeditious handling of the business of the House:
2. Report to the House on proposals to amend the Rules of Procedure;
3. Prepare and send to the Secretary the preliminary calendar for each meeting of the House in time for the required distribution; and
4. Make recommendations to the House on the order of business and late resolutions.
CHAIR: Jennifer L. Parent, NH
Josephine Bahn, DC
Harry S. Johnson, MD
Judge Adrienne Nelson, OR
Daniel Van Horn, TN
Select Committee (Special Committee)
The Select Committee reviews the overall functioning of the House with respect to the role of the individual delegate (including reviewing conflict of interest or other allegations against a delegate), effective use of the House’s time through an ongoing review of House customs and procedures. The Select Committee has ongoing administration of the new members orientation program; continuing preparation and distribution of the pre-meeting “Sneak Preview” and post-meeting “Select Committee Report ” to members.
CHAIR: Wendy C. Shiba, CA
VICE CHAIR: Andrew M. Schpak, OR
VICE CHAIR: Darcee S. Siegel, FL
REPORTER: Lorelie S. Masters, DC
Mark D. Agrast, DC
Roula Allouch, KY
Diandra Benally, AZ
Portia Britt, MO
Lacy L. Durham, TX
Leonard H. Gilbert, FL
Susan Holden, MN
Megan Keane, KY
Amy Lin Meyerson, CT
Cara Lee T. Neville, MN
Harold Pope III, MI
S. Collins Saint, NC
Wilson Adam Schooley, CA
Pauline A. Weaver, CA
Michele Wong Krause, TX
Steering Committee of the Nominating Committee (Special Committee)
This committee advises on the orientation and training of new Nominating Committee members. The committee also monitors the compliance of the Principles and Guidelines on the Election Process and sets the agenda and procedures for meetings of the Nominating Committee.
CHAIR: Karol Corbin Walker, NJ
VICE CHAIR: Leslie Miller, AZ
Joe Bluemel, WY
Sandra M. Chapman, WV
Stephen Chappelear, OH
Luis E. Dubón III, PR
Buzz English, Jr., KY
Steve Hoar, IN
Denise Hoggard, AR
Jennifer Jensen, ID
Anna P. Krolikowska, IL
Lora Livingston, TX
Jay Myerson, VA
Edith G. Osman, FL
Rachael K. Pirner, KS
Bobby Poundstone IV, AL
Paul Smith, DC
Mario Sullivan, IL
Judge Daniel Traynor, ND
Technology and Communications (Special Committee)
This committee will examine how to improve communications among delegates, between delegates and their constituencies, and between the House of Delegates and other entities within the ABA and outside of the ABA.
CHAIR: Richard Dean Rivera, FL
VICE CHAIR: Brandon Lee Wolff, PA
Alexis Deveaux, FL
Michael Fern, CA
Andrew Markus, FL
Nicole Mozee, DE
Kari M. Petrasek, WA
Pamela Roberts, SC
David Seserman, CO
Stanton Weinstein, PA
Tellers Committee (Special Committee)
The Tellers Committee is authorized by §46.3 of the House Rules to count written ballots. The Tellers also count standing votes taken in the House and perform such other duties as the Chair may prescribe.
CHAIR: Tamara Patricia Nash, SC
Jose Antonio Castro, WI
Christena Georgas-Burns, NV
Jeremee Henry, LA
Diana-Marie Laventure, NJ