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November 09, 2021

Board of Governors General Information

The 43-member Board of Governors has the authority to act and speak for the ABA, consistent with previous action of the House of Delegates, when the House is not in session. The Board usually meets four times a year. It oversees the general operation of the Association and develops specific plans of action.

The Board is composed of 43 members of the Association: 19 district representatives, 18 members-at-large as follows: two young lawyers; one judicial representative; nine section representatives, five Goal III members-at-large, one law student member-at-large; and the following 6 officers who serve as ex officio: President, President-Elect, Chair of the House; Secretary, Treasurer and Immediate Past President. Every three years there is a Treasurer-Elect bringing the total members of the Board to 44.