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Linda Stite Murnane

Linda Stite Murnane
Judicial Division (2024 – 2027)
High Court, Majuro, Republic of the Marshall Islands
University of Cincinnati College of Law, J.D. 1981

Linda is an Associate Justice serving on the High Court of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. She previously served ten consecutive years as a military judge and chief circuit military judge for the United States Air Force. She served in a variety of United Nations positions at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

She has served as Chair of the ABA Judicial Division and National Conference of Specialized Court Judges, as the Chair of the Standing Committee on Armed Forces Law, and as a UN Representative and Special Observer. She served on the ABA International Law Section’s Executive Council for six years. She is an ABA Sustaining Life Fellow, and a past recipient of the Margaret Brent Women Lawyers of Achievement and International Law Section’s Mayre Rasmussen Award.

Justice Murnane is the editor of “Women’s Voices: A Global Perspective on the Right to Vote”, and is a chapter contributor to “Her Honor” both published by ABA Publications.

She is married to Kevin M. Murnane, USAF, Ret. They have two daughter, Rachel Manuel and Christina Veillon, who are both teachers, and three grandchildren, Abrial, Cody and Aidan.