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Standing Committee on Lawyers' Professional Liability

The Standing Committee on Lawyers’ Professional Liability is your source for information on legal malpractice claim statistics, insurance for lawyers, and malpractice prevention tips.

Save the Date!

Spring 2025 National Legal Malpractice Conference

April 2-4, 2025 -| Omni Charlotte Hotel, Charlotte, NC. Check back soon for registration details.

Fall 2025 National Legal Malpractice Conference

September 10-12, 2025 - Omni Rancho Las Palmas Resort, Palm Springs, CA. Registration details coming soon.

Edward C. Mendrzycki Award, A Scholarly Writing Competition

Each year, Law Students and Young Lawyers who are members of the American Bar Association can enter to win a $5,000 cash prize and a trip to the ABA Spring National Legal Malpractice Conference. Check back soon for more details!

Learn More - Mendrzycki Award

Explainer Video Series

Tail Coverage

Everyday lawyers get sued and everyday they file claims with their insurance carrier. But what happens when a claim is filed against you after you leave a firm, if your firm closes, or after you retire? That's what Extended Reporting Periods or "Tail" Coverage are for.