Getting Started with a Marketing Plan
- LRIS Newsletters
- New York State Bar (2014)
- Tweeting Your Way to Success
- Dashiell's Guide to Posting Your LRIS Message on Craigslist (PDF)
- Dashiell's Guide to Advertising on Facebook (PDF)
- TV Ads
TV Advertising for LRIS programs has taken two forms – direct TV advertising and TV ads embedded in public service programs. Following are development plans offered by two programs. Please be aware that express permission should be obtained from any of these programs before using any content from these ads.
- What Does a Marketing Shoestring Look Like (PDF)
- Marketing on a Realistic Budget (PDF)
- Do-It Yourself Tips When You Can’t Afford to Hire a Professional (PDF)
- Billboard/Poster Ads
Marketing to Attorney Panel Members
It is critical that attorneys understand the many benefits of belonging to a public-service lawyer referral and information program. Outreach to the attorneys in your community takes many forms. Brochures publicizing the benefits of panel membership provide an initial means of presenting the benefits of your program and projecting an image.
Another successful tool are articles describing the benefits of panel membership. Avoiding negligent referral liability is another plus.
Marketing LRIS Within Your Bar Association
Marketing to the Hispanic Community
- Case Studies: Outreach to the Hispanic Community
- Marketing LRIS to the Hispanic Community (2006 LRIS Workshop – Korzenny)
- Multiculturalism: Catching Up with the Future of Marketing (2008 LRIS Workshop – Korzenny)
Dialogue Resources
3 part series on “The Frugal LRIS Director: Using Advertising Dollars Effectively”
National Public Awareness Campaign
The LRIS National Awareness Campaign is an ongoing public relations campaign to increase the visibility of public service lawyer referral throughout the country. Efforts include: television and radio satellite media tours with the ABA President, radio public service announcements, newspaper articles, and video news releases. The radio tour in 2000 gained an estimated audience of more than 9.9 million consumers.
Information and resources for public relations professionals: Online Media Kit
Free Press Releases
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