Program of Assistance and Review:
A Public Service
About PAR
Your lawyer referral program is one of more than 300 in this country which serve millions of persons each year. These programs inform the public about the law and the legal system, and provide access to needed legal services. The American Bar Association Standing Committee on Lawyer Referral and Information Service offers the Program of Assistance and Review (PAR) to assist state and local lawyer referral programs by observing their current operations and suggesting ways to make them more effective.
PAR is designed to help lawyer referral programs improve management and operations by providing on-site visits and advice from a team of experts; Offer support through telephone and consultations follow up on-site visits; and Provide information about innovative procedures and services which have been used successfully around the country.
Expert Help
PAR consultants who provide assistance through site visits and consultations are experienced in lawyer referral programs throughout the county. They are well-versed in the many issues facing lawyer referral programs, large and small, and are ready to apply that knowledge and expertise to the individual circumstances of your unique program.
The American Bar Association supports the growth of lawyer referral programs as a method of providing information on the legal system and helping the public locate legal services tailored to individual needs. Program site visits are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Step Forward
PAR can help your Lawyer Referral Program better serve the public, and the profession.
To obtain further information, or request a site visit or other assistance please complete this PAR Questionnaire.