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LRIS Awards

Cindy A. Raisch Award

Nominations for the Cindy A. Raisch Awards are now closed.

Read stories of recent award winners.

Cindy A. Raisch Biographical Information

In 1984, Cindy A. Raisch began serving as the directing attorney at the Los Angeles County Bar Association's Lawyer Referral Service, and quickly became a dynamic, inspirational leader in the LRS community. She later became chair of the ABA Standing Committee on Lawyer Referral Service where, among her many accomplishments, she is credited with innovating the philosophy that LRS programs are in the "business of public service," a philosophy which serves as our collective mantra even now.  In 1994, Cindy died of cancer at just 37 years old.  It is in her honor that we seek to honor programs dedicated to the same ideals that she professed - creating true access to the law as a public service.

Cindy A. Raisch Award

Since 1996, The Cindy A. Raisch award has recognized the enhancement of public service-oriented lawyer referral and information programs that provide access to justice for moderate income consumers across the country.  Public service-oriented programs provide an invaluable service to consumers seeking an avenue of entry to the legal system that is based on addressing individual consumer's actual legal needs and providing information on related and/or non-legal sources of help if such help would be more appropriate to the issue.

How to Nominate

All nominations must be submitted electronically, using the form available at the following link:  

Selection Process

The Standing Committee on Lawyer Referral and Information Service will review the nominations and, if appropriate, select one award recipient in a given year. Meritorious Recognition certificates may also be granted in any given year at the Committee’s discretion. The Committee may decide not to present an award if the nominations do not meet the stated award criteria.

Award Presentation

The Award recipient will be notified and the Award will be presented at the National Lawyer Referral Workshop held during the Annual Forum on Building Access to Justice for All.

Contact Information

Brett Dorn, Associate Counsel
American Bar Association
321 N. Clark St., 17th floor
Chicago, IL 60654-7598
(312) 741-0858
[email protected]