The ABA’s Law Student Division (LSD), Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs (CoLAP), and Young Lawyers Division (YLD) have collaborated to offer programs and provide resources for Law Student Mental Health Day, October 10th (which corresponds with World Mental Health Day). For 2023, please keep a lookout for the events and related items below. Law schools are encouraged to sponsor additional educational programs and events to reduce stigma associated with depression and anxiety among law students and lawyers.
- Week of Mental Health Day: LSD’s TikTok videos from law students on what they do for mental health and legal professionals with related messages.
- October 16, 2023: Speakers with CoLAP’s Law School Committee will present, “I.R.A.C. (Intention, Respect and Care); Law Student Successes on the Continued Path to Becoming Healthy New Lawyers. This event is co-sponsored by the ABA’s Center for Professional Responsibility, COLAP, LSD, and YLD. It will include a panel of law students or recent law school graduates, a law school dean of students, and a lawyer assistance program professional (moderator/panelist). The discussion will focus on positive well-being and mental health experiences as well as support panelists received from their respective law schools and LAPs while in law school. Please see the registration link here. This program is offered as part of CPR’s monthly webinars as a free benefit to members. Law Students can join the ABA for free.
The “Substance Use and Mental Health Toolkit for Law Students and Those Who Care About Them” (2020) from LSD and CoLAP as well as CoLAP’s Resources page include additional materials relating to law students. Please also see LSD’s page on Law Student Mental Health Day for more information.”