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Student Lawyer

Student Essentials

Here's Your 1L Law School Orientation Toolkit

Law Student Division


  • This toolkit offers you everything you need to know to survive and thrive in law school. 
  • From what to expect to tips on studying, legal writing, cold calling, and everything in between, we've gathered the top information on what you need to know going into your 1L year. 
Here's Your 1L Law School Orientation Toolkit
sshepard via iStock

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There are many ways to acclimate to and survive the rigors of law school. But ultimately, you not only want to survive in law school, but you also want to thrive in law school. 

We’ve gathered the top information on everything that goes into your 1L year to help put you on the path to success.

These articles require a Premium ABA Law Student Membership, which includes:

Planning for Your 1L Year

How to Succeed in the Law School Classroom

Time Management in Law School

Legal Writing

Briefing Cases

Law School Study Tips 

Law School Study Groups

Law School Exams

Mental Health and Well-Being

Student Loans and Finances

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion