What Is an Op-Ed?
An op-ed, short for opinion editorial, is an article written about one’s point of view on a certain topic or issue. An op-ed writer’s main goals are to inform the reader about an issue they may not be aware of and hopefully persuade the reader to adopt the writer’s point of view on said issue.
As a law student, you are in a unique position to do this because you’re on your way to becoming a legal professional while still being in touch with everyday people outside the law.
With this point of view, you can explain the law and its effects on society in a way easily understood by non-lawyers. For example, let’s say you want to offer a more compassionate perspective on sentencing guidelines or perhaps voting rights through an op-ed. You can do this by simply discussing the law and its effects on society, and then proposing some sort of solution or call to action.
How to Write an Op-Ed
Choose a Publication
Once you’ve come up with a topic, the first step is to choose a publication that will publish your op-ed. Going with the local newspaper is usually the best choice because they’re always looking to fill their publication with stories from local writers. Once you’ve found a publication, check whether someone has recently written about the topic on their platform. If someone wrote something similar to what you are writing, the newspaper might not publish yours.
Be Aware of Timing
For op-eds, timing is everything. One week, the topic you’re writing about may be at the top of the news cycle, and the next week, it’s barely being talked about. This dynamic occurs because large publications often write about several topics while also trying to keep their readers in tune with the most up-to-date news. For example, let’s say you’re writing about legislation that is in jeopardy of not passing the Senate. If you take too long to write about this and the legislation passes, your op-ed will be useless to the publication. To prevent such a missed opportunity, submitting your op-ed within 24 hours of the breaking news story is best.
At the top of your op-ed, you will have a headline letting the reader know the topic. Make sure that this headline catches the reader’s attention rather than making them want to keep scrolling. For example, if your op-ed is about voting restriction legislation, don’t just put “Voting Restriction Legislation” as your headline. Instead, give a brief 5-10 word headline that speaks to the importance of the legislation, something like “New Voting Restrictions Will Make Voting More Difficult for Millions.” Just make sure you’re not misleading with your headline.
Begin the op-ed with an introduction that puts forth the issue and your stance on the issue in a nutshell. Like the headline, you want to capture the reader’s attention and make them want to read more by summarizing what you’re writing about.
Once you’ve captured the reader with the headline and introduction, the body serves as the substance for the argument that you’re making. This section should focus on why the issue you’re talking about is important, all necessary facts and circumstances surrounding the issue, its implications, and why you have the perspective that you do. As a law student talking about matters related to the law, make sure your argument is supported by facts, statistics, or both. Do not just discuss how you feel about the matter. It’s important also to address other perspectives that may seem contrary to your stance rather than shying away from them.
Every legal issue has nuance, so addressing this nuance is more powerful than acting as if it doesn’t exist. This approach establishes your credibility and seriousness.
End by offering a solution to the issue you’ve highlighted. What is the exact solution you are advocating? What can the reader do to be part of that solution? Is there a need for collective action, such as signing a petition or contacting their representative? Often, there isn’t just one solution, so make sure you close by suggesting all those that you feel are necessary.
As a law student, while you may not be a full-fledged attorney, you still know more about the law than a layperson. Use that knowledge to your advantage, but do so without using legalese. You may think that words like negligent or reckless are easily understandable, but, as you know by now, they have legal significance. So, whenever you feel the need to invoke a legal term, think twice before using it. At a minimum, explain it if you will use it at all.
Also, remember that an op-ed is meant to serve as a short, narrative essay, not a full-length research paper. Use an active voice, be precise with your words, and avoid unnecessary “fluff.”
Op-eds usually have a word limit of around 500-800 words, depending on the publication, so make sure you know what that word limit is and stick to it.
Proofreading your op-ed is just as important as all the work you put into it. Although running your op-ed through different proofreaders can create a tight timeline, you need a fresh pair of eyes to look it over for errors and suggestions on improving it. Not taking this task seriously may result in errors and the newspaper not publishing it.
Submitting Your Op-Ed
Make sure when you’re submitting your op-ed that you know where or to whom to submit it. You can find this information on the publication’s website or by running a quick Google search. When you find out, provide a brief note about who you are and what the op-ed is about. Also, remember that some may want a professional headshot along with your submission.
If submission requires you to email someone, attach your op-ed to the email and paste it as text because some editors do not like opening unsolicited attachments.
You Got Published, Now What?
Once your op-ed has been published, spread the word to communities you are a part of, whether it be your law school, student organizations, or others who will help promote it.