The American Bar Association Law Student Division is free, and its members have the opportunity to join five additional ABA sections, divisions, or forums. But with 64 to choose from, which is the best entity for each law student’s career path? In this episode of The Law Student Podcast, Fabiani Duarte and Madison Burke interview leaders and representatives from a few of the 64 ABA sections, divisions, and forums. In this round robin format, each guest makes a two minute pitch explaining how law students can benefit from potential networking, education, and career path opportunities in the following:
- Young Lawyers Division
- Tort and Insurance Practice Section
- Law Practice Division
- Antitrust Law Section
- Criminal Justice Section
- Armed Forces Law Committee
- Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice Section
- Animal Law Committee
Tune in and hear about the sections, committees, and divisions from passionate representatives and decide where your engagement in the ABA will take you!
Guests include Lacy Durham, 2015-2016 chair of the Young Lawyers Division, Mary Cannon Veed from the Tort and Insurance Practice Section, Michael Spekter from the Law Practice Division, Bill MacLeod, Vice Chair of the Antitrust Section James Felman, past chair of the Criminal Justice Section and Air Force JAG Corps Captain Tia Hooper from the Young Lawyers Division, Air Force JAG Corps Captain Megan Mallone, member of the Standing Committee on Armed Forces Law David Rostker, from the Section on Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice, Barbara Gislason, founder and first chair of the Animal Law Committee of the Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section, Bonnie Lutz, chair-elect of the Animal Law Committee, and Judge Bernice Donald, 6th Circuit Court of Appeals and incoming chair of the Criminal Justice Section.