Law students and lawyers are encouraged to pursue federal clerkships; however, no one explains exactly what a job or career as a federal law clerk entails. Now, you can hear all about it from current law clerks in “A Day in the Life of a Federal Law Clerk,” a webinar in our “Demystifying the Judicial Clerkship Application Process and Experience” program.
Our panel of federal law clerks and a federal judge shared their insights and discussed the day-to-day responsibilities and experiences of a federal law clerk, including:
- What the day-to-day responsibilities and obligations of a federal law clerk entail
- What kinds of challenges one might experience as a federal law clerk
- What skills and benefits one might experience as a federal law clerk
- How one should develop his or her legal skills to prepare for a federal clerkship
- What practical information one needs to know about becoming a successful federal law clerk
You can also download the slides from the presentation as a PDF.