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2024-2025 Registration Information

2024-2025 NAAC Registration is now open! Register here.

All regional and national competitions for 2024-2025 will be held in person.

Any registration requests after this date, or registered teams who are late in submitting payment, will be accepted at the discretion of the Law Student Division.

These practical skills competitions offer students an opportunity to hone the skills that students will use as a practitioner through intraschool, regional, and national competitions.

More Information

  • 2024-2025 Topic: TBD
  • 2024-2025 NAAC Regional Dates:

    • February 13-15
    • February 20-22
    • February 27 to March 1
  • Nationals will be held April 3-5, 2025

2023-2024 Champions

Southern Methodist University, Dedman School of Law: Matthew Mussalli, Johanna Pang, and Jordon Smith. See the full results.

About NAAC, the ABA’s National Moot Court Competition

The ABA Law Student Division National Appellate Advocacy Competition (NAAC) is a moot court competition that emphasizes the development of oral advocacy skills through a realistic appellate advocacy experience. Moot court competitors participate in a hypothetical appeal to the United States Supreme Court. The competition involves writing a brief as either respondent or petitioner and then arguing the case in front of the mock court.

Please contact us with any questions.

Competition Rules and Guidelines

ABA Email Communication Notice

Each team must choose a main contact. The team’s main contact will be the point of contact with the ABA. The team and the main contact understand that the main contact will receive all communication from the ABA regarding the competition(s), including Regional Assignments and the Problem. The ABA encourages teams to select a faculty member and/or team Coach who will be responsible for important details to the rest of the team. The main contact is responsible for sharing all communication with the team. The ABA is not responsible for missed emails. The ABA is also not responsible for ensuring that the main contact shares all communication with the team.

NAAC Competition Results