About the Assembly
The ABA Law Student Division Assembly is the voice of law students in the ABA. It is an opportunity for ABA Representatives, SBA Presidents, and Division Entity Liaisons to represent their law school by voting on resolutions that will help form the Division’s voice within the ABA for the coming year.
The Assembly meets once a year at the Division’s Annual meeting. The Assembly debates and votes on resolutions relating to legal education, student life, and Division governance. It also elects the Division’s three Delegates to the ABA House of Delegates and the Vice Chair.
ABA Representatives and SBA Presidents will receive training about their roles as representatives, mingle with fellow leaders at other law schools, and vote for national representatives. Events begin on Thursday morning and culminate with the Assembly on Saturday afternoon.
The Law Student Division Assembly is comprised of:
- Each ABA-accredited school’s ABA Representative.
- Each ABA-accredited school’s Student Bar Association President.
- Law Student Division Entity Liaisons.
- Up to three representatives appointed by affiliate student legal associations.