Job Description
When you are appointed by the Division Chair to serve as a non-voting member of the Division’s Council, don’t think that this role won’t make a meaningful impact on law students and members. As the Student Editor-in-Chief, you will be on a team that is responsible for the editorial oversight of the Division’s publications. Student Lawyer is read by members across the country, meaning that your ideas and work will be educating, influencing, and entertaining law students everywhere.
While your traditional journalism skills are crucial in this role, your ability to work with our staff team, meet deadlines, and recruit other law students to write pieces for the Division’s publications are just as crucial to being successful in this role.
- Time commitment: 10-15 hours monthly
- Election Method: Appointed each year by the Law Student Division Chair
- Term: One year
- Membership Level: Must be a Premium Law Student Division member* during the bar year you will serve.