About the Law Student Division
Guiding you through law school, preparing you for what's next.
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ABA Premium Membership has what you need to take your studying to the next level with resources and discounts. Get book discounts, save on bar prep, and more for just $25.
Upgrade TodayExcel in Law School
Get ahead of the curve with guidance, discounts, and opportunities focused on your needs as a law student.
Jumpstart Your Career
Discover career resources and lifelong connections through one of the most respected and impactful associations in the legal profession.
Our law student leaders are the the voice of law students in the ABA, the largest legal association. The Law Student Division Council oversees the general operation of the Division.
Learn More →Awards
Each year, the ABA Law Student Division recognizes the achievement of individual law students, law school organizations, and law schools on a national level through the Division's Annual Awards Program.
Learn More →Practical Skills Competitions
The Law Student Division sponsors five national practical skills competitions. Law students get a chance to hone the skills they will use as attorneys. Students will meet and network with fellow law students and legal practitioners from around the nation.
Learn More →Mental Health
One of the biggest challenges the legal profession faces is erasing the stigma of addressing mental health issues. Take a look at the information here and let these people know that they are not alone by raising awareness of mental health issues.
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