Here are some collection letters to keep on hand. These will take you through every phase of the collection process, from the first invoice to receipt of payment.
First reminder: Payment due
As soon as the client matter is closed and the charges are assessed the client should receive the invoice right away.
At this phase, use friendly language and personal touches such as the name of the client in the greeting. At the same time, keep the overall message brief, straightforward, and provide specifics when possible. Instead of saying, “Payment is due in 21 days,” a specific due date is much stronger.
Subject line: Invoice No. 1234 from Downtown Law Firm
Dear [client name],
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide you with our legal services and expertise.
We have prepared your invoice; therefore, payment is due [30 days from date of invoice]. Follow the link below to review your invoice and make a credit card payment through the secure payment portal. If you have any questions related to the invoice, please don’t hesitate to call or email our office and we’ll be happy to help.
Thank you for your prompt payment. We look forward to serving you in the future.
Second reminder: Payment due
When it comes to accounts receivable, more reminders are always better. Because people lose track of emails, a single notice may not suffice. Luckily, email costs nothing to send, so send the extra notification. Seven days before the payment is due, send a reminder along with another that arrives on the due date itself.
Subject line: Follow-up No. 1234 from Downtown Law Firm
Dear [client name],
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to provide you with our legal services and expertise. We’re sending this as a friendly reminder that payment is due [Month, date, year], which is [in one week].
To review your invoice and pay the bill, please follow the link below. There, you can follow a secure and encrypted payment portal so you can pay by credit card 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Please call or email our office if you have any questions. We appreciate your prompt payment and look forward to serving you in the future.
Third reminder: Payment is overdue
If the due date comes and goes without payment, it can be difficult to ask for the money. But sending reminders is key to getting paid.
Once the account is seven days past due, make contact by phone before sending another past-due notice. This is an opportunity to inquire whether the invoices have been received and to get a verbal commitment from the client for the next step. If it’s appropriate, you can set up a payment plan with them. Before the call ends, inform them that they can expect an additional notice and send it immediately after hanging up. This will give them access to the payment portal and invoice while the matter is fresh in their minds. At this point, you’ll want to raise the level of urgency in the language.
Subject line: Payment Needed: Invoice No. 1234 for Downtown Law Firm
Dear [client name],
Our records show a balance of $X,XXX for invoice No. 1234, which was due on [date] and is now X days late. We would appreciate it if you would inquire about the status of this payment and make sure we receive it as soon as possible.
Please review your invoice, which is provided through this link, and make a credit card payment. Otherwise, please contact our office this week to let us know the status of this payment.
Fourth reminder: Final notice email
Once the account reaches 45 days past due, it’s time to make the language of the email more urgent. Keep the language courteous but convey to the client that if payment doesn’t arrive by a certain date, a specific action will be taken.
Along with sending these notices, attempt contact with another individual in the organization with a phone call, mailed letter, and email. For emphasis and clarity, use bold text on the invoice number, amount, and due date.
Subject line: Final Notice: Invoice No. 1234 for Downtown Law Firm
Dear [client name],
This is another reminder our law firm has yet to receive the $X,XXX on invoice No. 1234.
Please be aware that if payment does not arrive by [date of 60 days past due], legal action may be taken to enforce your obligation to pay.
To avoid legal proceedings, please pay the full amount promptly. Use the provided link to review your invoice and submit a credit card payment today. Contact our office immediately and advise us on the status of your payment.
Final communication: Payment received
When your clients make a credit card payment, send a brief email. This assures them the payment was received while making a great impression.
Subject line: Thank You for Your Payment to Downtown Law Firm
Dear [client name],
We received your payment of $X,XXX on invoice No. 1234, which was credited to your account on [date].
Thank you for entrusting us to provide you with our legal services. We look forward to serving you in the future.
The key to getting paid is sending notices and reminders frequently. It may seem like overkill, especially if you're accustomed to the cadence of mailed notices, but given the volume of emails that land in someone’s inbox every day, an emailed notice can be easily overlooked or forgotten. Sending repeated emails keeps payment in front of your client and your firm in front of your cash flow.
To learn more about payment acceptance and collections best practices, visit