As with anything, there are roadblocks. Time and again I find the biggest block women lawyers have to their success is fear that is brought on by baggage.
It’s very challenging to be able to see our own blocks and maneuver around them successfully. This is true even if you are willing and able to own your blocks.
As a coach, a huge part of my job with my executive level clients is to drive ownership and accountability by showing clients their blocks. The reason people go farther, faster with coaches is that a good coach will point out your blocks to success in support of you choosing a better option.
It’s easy to see others’ baggage at work. It’s not so easy to see your own baggage. Baggage is simply your past experiences in childhood, replaying themselves as an adult. I have yet to meet a person who had a perfect childhood, leaving them baggage-free. It just doesn’t happen. Even if you had a perfect childhood, I guarantee that your perception and interpretation of some aspect of your childhood would leave you with baggage.
Baggage limits our growth and success as women lawyers by blocking our top three strengths. It’s very difficult to own your wisdom, compassion and feminine energy if your baggage keeps telling you some version of “you are not good enough.”
Fear of Your Power
Another roadblock is fear. In life there is a spectrum. On one end of the spectrum is fear. Fear shows up as anger, resentment, jealousy and paralysis/being stuck.
On the other end of the spectrum is love. I’m not talking about romantic, mushy love. I’m talking about love that manifests as compassion, wisdom, an ability to see the bigger picture, and action. Love manifests as leadership and true power.
Over thousands of years of patriarchal conditioning, as women lawyers, we fear our power. We refuse to believe that we are strong, resourceful, capable, and whole as humans and as lawyers. What would be the result of you knowing and owning your power? How would you have to show up daily in your life that you may not be today? How would you hold yourself and others accountable with compassion, wisdom, and positive energy? Why is it easier to avoid your power?
Fear of Retribution
The final roadblock is another fear. This fear is about what others would do to us if we were strong, powerful, wise, successful women, lawyers, and humans. Perhaps others would be jealous of you? Perhaps some who call themselves your friends would turn away, leaving you lonely and isolated? Perhaps some would sabotage your work? Stop and consider if these things are happening anyway right now as you sit in fear, rejecting your strengths. If so, what do you have to lose by stepping away from this fear?
As the world proves to be more and more unsettling these days, women lawyers hold the key to providing wisdom, intellect, calm, power, and collaboration. In no time has it been more important than now for women lawyers to not be shy and step up to own our talents and strengths AND support other women lawyers for the good of clients, our families, children, and future generations of lawyers and human existence. This shouldn’t seem overwhelming. Instead, look at it as your right, privilege, and purpose.