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January 09, 2023


By: Julie J.R. Huygen

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“In 1962, what is now the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security (Committee) was first established as the Committee on Education about Communism.” Thus began the Introduction to National Security Law: Fifty Years of Transformation: An Anthology, published by the Committee to commemorate its 50th anniversary. And so begins this Introduction to The Past Ten Years, The Next Ten Years: An Anthology of National Security Law, published to commemorate the Committee’s 60th anniversary.

The topics addressed in this anthology are loosely characterized as “continuing,” meaning their current incarnation and any direct antecedents predate 2012, or “contemporary.” But the common thread running through them is national security law. The authors were asked to write for an audience of varied expertise and experience, to be brief but make liberal use of hyperlinked citations, and to answer two basic questions about their subjects: 1. In the context of national security law, what significant events and developments have occurred in the past 10 years and 2. In the context of national security law, what do you anticipate or plan to watch in the next 10 years?

In accordance with our modern concept of what it means to publish, we are first posting the anthology articles in a serial fashion on this website. We will later compile the articles in an ebook that can be downloaded or printed as a reader chooses. However you opt to consume the articles, we hope you will learn at least a little something and enjoy a lot. Thank you for visiting.

National Security Law 60 Years of Transformation

National Security Law 60 Years of Transformation

Standing Commmittee on Law and National Security

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