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July 06, 2023

Lost Trust: Politics and Intelligence

Episode 281

Recent political developments have damaged the reputation of the intelligence community and have deeply divided the country. Some say that the recent performance of the intelligence community, and particularly the FBI, has battered its reputation for avoiding partisanship. Reports by Robert Mueller, John Durham, and multiple inspectors general have fostered suspicions that the Trump-Russia investigation was driven more by politics than by evidence. This loss of faith in national security agencies raises questions with profound consequences for American democracy. Join moderator Harvey Rishikof, and panelists Stewart Baker, Mary McCord and Alex Joel for a discussion of these issues and importantly, what can be done today to restore trust and public confidence in our federal law enforcement and intelligence communities. You be the judge!

Harvey Rishikof is former Legal Counsel to the Deputy Director of the FBI

Stewart Baker is former General Counsel for the NSA

Alex Joel is the former Civil Liberties Protection Officer for ODNI

Mary McCord is the former Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security at DOJ

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