What is happening globally to the concept of data privacy? In this week’s hot topic discussion, host Elisa Poteat is joined by Alex Joel to examine the U.S. data privacy mindset, how that mindset differs from Europe’s, and what regulations might be expected in the future.
Alex Joel is a Scholar-in-Residence and Adjunct Professor at the Washington College of Law.
- The Church Committee
- The Pike Committee
- Presidential Policy Directive 28
- Executive Order 12333
- Alex Joel, "Protect Privacy. That's an Order." Lawfare. April 2021
- Alex Joel, "Getting the T's and C's Right: The Lessons of Intelligence Reform." Just Security. November 2020
- Alex Joel, "Seek and Speak the Truth." Just Security. April 2020:
- Alex Joel, "9/11 All Over Again." Just Security. April 2020
- TLS Project: Transatlantic Data Flows in the Wake of Schrems II
- The Tech, Law & Security Program American University Washington College of Law
- U.S.-EU Privacy Shield
- EU Data Transfer Requirements and U.S. Intelligence Laws: Understanding Schrems II and It'sImpact on the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield
- Government access to personal data held by the private sector: Statement by the OECD Committee on Digital Economy Policy