In Part 2 of their discussion on the risks and benefits of AI in
national security, hosts Elisa and Yvette chat with James Baker about
the future of AI policy. What is the appropriate level of human control
in different AI contexts? Where are we with autonomous weapons
applications? And what critical AI conversations do lawyers and policy
makers need right now? James Baker covers all this and more in his
recent book, The Centaur’s Dilemma: National Security Law for the Coming
AI Revolution.
Hon. James E Baker is the Director of the Institute of Security Policy and Law at Syracuse University.
- The Law of Armed Conflict
- Article 36 of the 1977 Additional Protocol I to the 1949 Geneva Conventions
- The Defense Production Act
- James Baker, “A DPA for the 21st Century: Securing America’s AI National Security Innovation Base” CSET. April 2021
- The Invention Secrecy Act
- Kashmir Hill, “Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm.” New York Times. June 2020.