Part 2 of 2 – For nearly 235 years, the U.S. Constitution has provided the foundation for America's economic prosperity, political stability, and democratic debate. This week, host Elisa and Harvey Rishikof welcome former Senator Russ Feingold and Peter Prindiville to discuss their new book, The Constitution in Jeopardy: An Unprecedented Effort to Rewrite Our Fundamental Law and What We Can Do About It. Together they discuss the latest controversial push to rewrite our Constitution, and how this problematic debate poses a threat to our national security.
Senator Russ Feingold served as a United States Senator from Wisconsin from 1993 to 2011, and is the President of the American Constitution Society
Peter Prindiville is a Non-Resident Fellow at the Constitutional Law Center at Stanford University
Harvey Rishikoff is Senior Counselor to the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security, and Director of Cybersecurity at the Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security at the University of Maryland
Feingold, Russ, and Peter Prindiville. The Constitution in Jeopardy: An Unprecedented Effort to Rewrite Our Fundamental Law and What We Can Do About It. PublicAffairs, 2022.
Article I Section 10, U.S. Constitution
Register for the 32nd Annual Review of the Field of National Security Law Conference – The Past, Present and Future: Celebrating 60 Years of the Standing Committee on Law and National Security – November 17th–18th, 2022
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