Dr. Jill Goldenziel is an Associate Professor at Marine Corps University-Command and Staff College, and an Affiliated Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania’s Fox Leadership International program and Penn’s Partnership for Effective Public Administration and Leadership Ethics.
This episode references:
- The New Fighting Words?: How U.S. Law Hampers the Fight Against Information Warfare
- Packingham v. North Carolina 582 US _ (2017)
- S. 4534: A bill to amend section 230 of the Communications Act of 1934 to modify the scope of protection from civil liability for “good Samaritan” blocking and screening of offensive material
- Law as a Battlefield: The U.S., China, and Global Escalation of Lawfare
- The South China Sea Arbitration (The Republic of Philippines v. The People's Republic of China)
- Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration
- What's on Your CV of Purpose?