Lindsay Rodman is the Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellow at the University of Ottawa Centre for International Policy Studies. She was an associate at Arnold & Porter before joining the US Marine Corps, where she served as Director for Defense Policy and Strategy at the National Security Council. She is currently a major in the Marine Corps Reserves
This episode references:
- Shipping company Maersk uses a polar trade route
- The Antarctic Treaty of 1959
- The UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
- The Arctic Council
- Russian military buildups in the arctic region
- A map of the world's icebreaker ships
- NASA data on arctic ice melt from the most recent measurements and after last summer
- Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge approved in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
- The regulations and hazards of cleaning oil spills in the Arctic
- The ABA Careers in National Security Law Book
- Contact Lindsay Rodman through the University of Ottawa
- For more about national security law in the Arctic, watch a full panel discuss the topic at the ABA's 27th Annual review of the Field of National Security Law Conference