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August 30, 2018

SCOLANS at Annual Meeting

Aug. 4-9, 2016
San Francisco, CA

2016 Annual Meeting Moderated Discussion - Emerging Issues in National Security and Law Enforcement

  • Marc Rotenberg, president and executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center
  • Gilman Louie, founder and former CEO of In-Q-Tel
  • Harvey Rishikof, chair of the ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security’s advisory committee

Watch the video of the discussion

Aug. 9-14, 2007
San Francisco, CA

ABA 2007 Annual Meeting

Careers in National Security Law Panel Discussion and Q&A Session

Listen (running time ~90 minutes)

August 10, 2007
San Francisco, CA

Moderator Harvey Rishikof addresses audience with former Standing Committee chair Dean Elizabeth Parker as panelist.

A New Legal Framework? Is it a Global War on Terrorism or a Struggle Against Violent Extremism? 

Listen (running time ~120 minutes)

Click here for additional resource information.

Click here for detailed information. 

Aug. 7, 2006
Washington, DC

ABA Annual Meeting: "Liberty" vs. "Security" (Panel Discussion Before the ABA House of Delegates)

  • Dean Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker, University of the Pacific McGeorge Law School
  • Professor John Yoo, University of California at Berkeley School of Law
  • Neal Sonnett, Chair, ABA Task Force on Domestic Surveillance in the Fight Against Terrorism

Listen (running time <1 hr.)

February 10, 2006
Chicago, IL

ABA Midyear Meeting Program: The Perfect Storm: Are the Roles and Authorities Adequate for Emergency Response? The panel looked at government legal authority to act in the midst of the immediate response phase to a disaster. The panel also explored state, local and first responder issues; federalism and constitutional challenges; and military involvement and private sector integration. It was cosponsored by the sections of Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice and of State and Local Government Law, the Young Lawyers Division and the Law Student Division.
Ernest Abbott, FEMA Law Associates and former Counsel, Federal Emergency Management Association
Jessica Herrera-Flanigan, Minority Staff Director and Chief Counsel, House Committee on Homeland Security
John A. McCarthy, Director, Critical Infrastructure Protection Program, George Mason University School of Law
Lee M. Zeichner, Zeichner Risk Analytics and former Counsel, White House Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection


Read Report   |   Listen (running time 2 hrs.)