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Conference Materials

Panel I

Executive Update on Developments in National Security Law

Moderator: Harvey Rishikof (Chair, ABA Standing Committee on Law and National Security); Discussants: Robert Litt (Office of the Director of National Intelligence), Robert J. Eatinger Jr. (Central Intelligence Agency), David S. Kris (U.S. Department of Justice), Jeh C. Johnson (U.S. Department of Defense), Joseph B. Maher (U.S. Department of Homeland Security)

Panel II

Governance of Domestic Intelligence

Moderator: Suzanne Spaulding (Principal, Bingham Consulting Group); Discussants: Richard G. Kerlikowske (White House Office of National Drug Control Policy), Caryn A. Wagner (U.S. Department of Homeland Security), William Banks (Syracuse University College of Law), Lara M. Flint (Senior Counsel to Senator Russell D. Feingold)


Judicial Nominees and National Security

The Honorable Lindsey O. Graham, U.S. Senator

Panel IV

Targeted Killing and Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems

Moderator: John Norton Moore (Director, Center for National Security Law, Professor, University of Virginia School of Law); Discussants: David E. Graham (The Judge Advocate General's Legal Center and School), Jamie A. Williamson (International Committee of the Red Cross Regional Delegation for the United States and Canada), Kenneth Anderson (American University Washington College of Law), Vincent Warren (Center for Constitutional Rights)

Panel V

National Security Transformation

Moderator: James R. Locher III (President and CEO Project on National Security Reform); Discussants: Gordon Lederman (Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs), Jamie Gorelick (Wilmer Hale), Michael Allen (National Security Preparedness Group Bipartisan Policy Center), Jeffrey Smith (Arnold & Porter)

Luncheon Keynote Address

Cyberwar: What is it Good For?

The Honorable Stewart A. Baker, Partner, Steptoe & Johnson, LLP and former Assistant Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Homeland Security